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With in-house branding facilities and expertise - we  will recommend  the best solution

for branding your uniform, workwear, teamwear, merchandise or event apparel. 

Either what will look best or is the most cost effective.

Did you know....?

Whilst embroidery is perceived as a more expensive option, it is often cheaper than screen printing !

Embroidery is not factored by the number of colours, (as screen printing) but the number of stitches....

Up top 15 colours in any one design with embroidery.


Advice from experts


Need to chat through your requirements - that's what we are here for.

Give us a call and we can work together on your project.  No minimum order

scarlet branding showroom

Show Room

We grow our samples collection daily but its not exhaustive.

It's a space thing !

Working with over 20 brands - there is a lot of choice.

Please contact us first for samples - we normally receive those we don't have from our supporting brands in 1-3 days.

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Fulfilment in a timely manner.

Contact during each step.

If its first time orders, or repeat orders we deliver on our production deadlines and keep you updated

 as required, during each step.


Leading Brands

Check more about the brands we work with in our Apparel page

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